Thursday 10 October 2019

New Assignments, New Faces

Since posting my last blog I have met new people on my course and have made new friends. First there was Mia and Danniella. Then I met Cian, Rosie, Zoe, Niamh and Ellen. I am currently working on a new project with Niamh and Ellen. We have a creativity mission to complete. We are (hopefully) going to create a podcast.

Today I met with Niamh and Ellen in the library for the third time this week. We are starting to work hard on this mission to do the best we can with it. I am getting to know the girls better as we go along ad they're very nice.

The idea is basically to research the basics on podcasts and digital audio. We're looking into digital audio and will be researching the ins and outs of it. After this, we're doing some research on podcasts. I love podcast personally. I think they're a great way to pass free time (if you have any that is. My personal favourite being series linked because it talks about TV  shows which I am always watching, and it gives me a better insight into behind the scenes of it all. I would recommend. But it is thanks to this mission that I have re- discovered this great podcast. I had almost forgot it existed, I had been so busy starting college.

We're currently working on questions to ask for the podcast and the power point to go along with it
Some of the questions we have so far are as follows:
"What's your life like at home"
"How did you feel starting college" etc.
They're all based off the topic of starting college because that's one thing the three of us definitely have in common. I really love that we're creating our own podcast because it allows us to be creative and get into the field of digital audio really easily.

As for the power point, we're basically going to put together some facts about digital audio, the history of audio and how new technology has developed to improve audio. I'm going to have to do some series googling but to be honest, I'm excited to learn new things about digital audio and explore a few more podcasts.

Also very nervous/excited to present this considering its our first assignment EVER in college..But once I do the bit of research and then put the work into the power point and recording this podcast, I'll be flying it.

Unfortunately, I can't meet up with the girls tomorrow to work on it further because I'll be going to my debs. This also means that we have to postpone the recording of the podcast. maybe this is a blessing in disguise, giving us more time to run over our answers to podcast questions  I'll be catching up with any of the work I may have missed on Saturday, on my laptop for the power point, more than likely hungover... It should be fun.. Cant wait to see how it all fairs out and I will keep the blog updated when we make major strides.

-Ava 00:02

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It's starting to come together After filming the video we decided we needed to edit it in doing so we popped the tutor up on the go ...